Lost in the Tardis

Panasonic at NAB

Studio Daily has the info on Panasonic at NAB this year. It seems Panasonic has some big plans, but not much to actually show this year at NAB. They are taking the slow route to 2K and 4K with new AVC Ultra Master Quality Codecs and an eventual AG-HPX600 camera for less than $16,000, but with no set release date.

For AVC they will be releasing a 200 class and a CCLass 444 for 2k and 4k (SOund like ProRES rivals).

They also introduced the replacement for P2 a cheaper SD card sized Micro P2, with adapters for some older cameras with paid firmware upgrades.

Sounds like some interesting stuff, and they make great cameras, but mostly vaporware this year, maybe we will see prototypes next year at NAB. It will be exciting when they have actual 4K Varicam’s out, but until then.

Honestly the Black Magic excites me more, as it is much more within my budget range!
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Created by Jonah Lee Walker 2011