Lost in the Tardis


Get Set Go has reached it's Kickstarter Goal!

Woohoo! The album and the EP’s will be released! Still need to get that interview with Mike TV though!

Get Set Go Kickstarter new video

Mike TV has posted a new Kickstarter video on YouTube. Check it out.

And they are almost there, so donate and get a copy of the album.

Get Set Go new album on Kickstarter

Get Set Go is releasing their 5th album themselves on
Kickstarter and you can see I have already put a link to it on the side of the side, but here is their video on the project. So please give money so they can make their goal, and get a copy of their new album as well.

You can preview a few of the amazing new songs here.

Get Set Go is an amazing band, and are really good guys, so please do support them with whatever you can!
Created by Jonah Lee Walker 2011