Lost in the Tardis

Canon C500 with 4K



Electronista actually has the info on this, but Canon has announced a higher end big daddy to the C300, the C500 and C500PL. They both output 10 bit uncompressed RAW footage and simultaneously records 50Mbps HD proxy video to CF cards for easy offline editing (a brilliant idea). It has a super 35MM equivalent CMOS sensor which is 8.85 megapixels.

It has cinema 4L 4096x2160 as well as 3840x2160 for 4k TV, though only records 1080 to the dual CF cards. It does 0-60FPS in 12 bit RGB 4:4:$ or at 10bit YCrRb 4:22 it can go up to 120 FPS.

No pricing has been announced, but this makes Canon a serious contender, as well as having the EOS facility in Los Angeles for support.
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Created by Jonah Lee Walker 2011